VariPets –
our children´s friends
We all have feelings and CrocoDuck can help us to visualize our inner crocodile and turn it into a duck, or vice versa.
Each of us needs the strong, patient but also impulsive crocodile, as well as the open, clumsy and funny duck, just to name a few characters.
This is especially easy for our children with the help of CrocoDuck.
CrocoDuck is perfect for everyone,
Tall or small,
Whether parents or children

About VariPets – our story

The idea behind VariPets originated from charitable work in Paraguay (South America) when our founder Monika Baumann was helping as a psychotherapist in a children´s home.
A little boy was very aggressive but at the same time, he was refusing any assistance. With the help of Brainspotting therapy he was able to open up and focus his emotions. When he was asked how he felt, being so angry, he replied ‘like a bad crocodile’. Spontaneously Monika drew a crocodile to help him visualize his problems. When the boy had finished the session he said that he could also be like a ‘happy duck that quacks for help when he was in trouble’. The idea of the CrocoDuck – and in the long run the idea of VariPets – was born.
watch the video 'the idea' to get further informations

Here you can listen to the story of the CrocoDuck as told by Monika Baumann
The transformation of the idea of the CrocoDuck into a manufactured product was an uphill struggle, which we managed to overcome. Now you can hold a great CrocoDuck in your hands, helping children all over the world to be supported in a therapeutic and educational way as they develop.
watch the video 'our way' to get further informations

Some of the profit from the sales of the VariPets CrocoDuck will be put back into helping those who inspired its creation: from the profit, therapists in less fortunate areas will be able to receive Brainspotting Trainings. In this way our product helps more than just the customer.
watch the video 'our vision' to get further informations
Who are we:
The founder of VariPets , Monika Baumann, is a psychologist and family therapist who specializes in working with clients of all ages who have experienced trauma. She has become an expert in – and is a highly regarded teacher – of Brainspotting. Above all she is a family mother to three girls.
Monika was inspired by her volunteer work in Paraguay to pursue the creation of VariPets. She loves her work and the satisfaction brought about by helping others improving their lives. With her positive, happy, and spontaneous attitude, Monika breathes life into VariPets.
Together with her daughter Carolina and the support of the Baumann family, Monika strives to make VariPets a success and to get Brainspotting and its effectiveness more well-known!
What is Brainspotting
Brainspotting is an approach to healing trauma that was discovered and developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003. It is extremely effective and has spread all over the globe due to its success. Mag. Monika Baumann, together with Dr. Martha Jacobi and supported by Dr David Grand, have created a seminar on using Brainspotting with children and adolescents. More details of this can be found on the following ​homepages:
How do VariPets aid
in Brainspotting?
The VariPets CrocoDuck was discovered by using Brainspotting. The CrocoDuck allows children to play and open up about their traumatic experiences, and helps them to control their feelings and get their self-healing going.
Surprisingly, the use of the CrocoDuck is not just effective with kids; we have found great success with adults as well.
Kids tell
Here you can see stories of the CrocoDuck in use as told by the children all over the world who have been helped by it. Please submit your own experiences with the CrocoDuck here and the best ones will be put on our website. The winners will receive a free CrocoDuck.
Here you can find information how to do this.
What do I have to do for my own VariPets video? – it is very easy
Tell us your story (max 3 minutes) and record it in landscape mode.
Have your parents sign the consent form (to download click here)
Send us the videoand the consent form to: info@varipets.com
Done! We will put your video online and everyone can see your great story.

Teaching Video 0:
How can you use the CrocoDuck with Brainspotting ?
Dialog with Dr. David Grand - April 2019
Teaching Video 1:
In this video, I share with you how children describe the CrocoDuck. Some characteristics you probably are familiar with, but children often surprise us with their blossoming imagination and their various interpretations. It’s best to discover new habits together with them.
Some of the characters also remind us of the reactions "flight, fight and freeze". These behaviors are known as stress reactions and are often responses to emotional injuries.
Our next video will teach “co-creative storytelling.” There we show how you can use these characters therapeutically.
Teaching Video 2:
Co-creative story telling (new)
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